No Such Thing As A CoincidenceIn my opinion, when you cross paths with people, its not because it just happened that way, its because it was meant to happen that way.Feb 9, 2020Feb 9, 2020
Late Night Thoughts Pt. 2Why does our past come up whenever it feels like fucking up your brain. Whenever your doing okay. When you finally feel safe again.Feb 9, 2020Feb 9, 2020
Late Night Thoughts-My RealityThe question I have for the universe and myself is -What is reality anyway?-Is it a place we’re imagining until the end of our time and…Feb 9, 2020Feb 9, 2020
The ugly truth about having depression anxiety, and trauma.Have you ever been so sick throwing up or being so heartbroken over a break up it makes you hurt in ways you didn’t know was possible…Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020