Late Night Thoughts Pt. 2

2 min readFeb 9, 2020

Why does our past come up whenever it feels like fucking up your brain. Whenever your doing okay. When you finally feel safe again.

it comes back.

Even though its over and done with. The brain is trainable and that is exactly what is happening. Your brain has recognized the haunting feelings of your past. It was trained then and didn’t forget.


As soon as I'm triggered my body goes back into defensive mode while simultaneously becoming overwhelmed with absolutely horrific feelings like being terrified, horrified, guilty and ashamed.

No matter how many years have gone by one trigger and my brain loses its shit, like said above.

The brain is so complex and I can learn about psychology and all the facts, but that doesn’t magically fix anything.

The past memories just make my life unbearable. Im in a different stage in life, something I couldn’t imagine then, it would have been to good to be true- knowing then what I know now. I wouldn’t believe it.

The brain is so complex that there are parts we aren’t even able to access. More than half of our brain if you were wondering. What kind of bullshit is that? It is MY brain. in my body, affecting my life.

Imagine for one moment if we had access to our entire brain. Me being optimistic, I truly believe the world would be a better, safer, more livable place.

Nature, wildlife, forests, meadows, animals, everywhere.

No streets. No cars. No “houses” No money. No war

Freedom, Peace, Understanding, Cultural understanding, No judgments, No expectations, No shame.

Just love.

What a shame.




My soul purpose for being here is to express my opinions and to free write what comes to my brain without filtering anything. It’s worth the read.